Q: When will my order be shipped?
A: Your order will be shipped within 1-3 business days from the date it was placed. Please note: Our first shipment is now available for order but will be shipped to customers starting mid-September 2023.
Q: Do you offer free shipping?
A: Yes! Free shipping is included on all watch bubl orders.
Q: Can I cancel or modify an existing order?
A: Once the order is placed, we cannot cancel or modify the purchase.
Q: How do I track the shipping status of my order?
A: Your tracking # is displayed within the shipping confirmation email. Click on the link to view the shipping status of your order.
Q: I haven't received my order or shipping confirmation email?
A: Order and shipping confirmations are automatically generated and forwarded to your email inbox. If that message has not been received in your inbox, then please check your SPAM folder.
Q: I haven't received my order yet, where is it?
A: Your tracking # is displayed within the shipping confirmation email. Click on the link to view the shipping status of your order. Please refer to our Shipping Policy if you have any other questions or concerns.
Q: Do you ship to my country?
A: Absolutely! We’ll ship to any location if there is a way to get it there.
Q: Do you offer refunds or returns?
A: Please refer to our Refund Policy.
Q: Do you have a physical retail location?
A: No, all sales are processed online through our website.
Q: Where are you located?
A: We are located in the United States of America.